business project planning

… so what is a consolidation project ?

Following my September focus post, a couple of people have been in touch asking about what I mean when I say that focus right now should be consolidation projects – what are consolidation projects ?

So, herewith a short post, looking at what I mean.

I think that the primary type of consolidation project that carries good “bang for buck” is looking at your business processes, and refining and improving them, either with technology, or simply streamlining them. In terms of effort expended on the project, I think this is where you will get the biggest reward, and where both you and your customers will notice your efforts.

Other consolidation projects that you could consider might be reviewing and (possibly) revising your domain name estate and your DNS set-up.

If you are happy that both your domain names (what you have; who they are registered with; how often they need to be renewed) and your DNS are all covered, then are you happy that the documentation around it is solid ? What if your key person becomes unavailable (the mythical “falls under a bus” scenario) – could the next person pick it up ?

So in conclusion, identifying and reviewing your business processes as well as documenting your business are your friends in terms of consolidation projects.

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